Category Archives: Marketing Minute

Channel Preference: The Customer Should Decide

By Mike Lessiter, President, Lessiter Media I was at a recent peer group meeting when a roundtable conversation side-barred over to a discussion on print vs. digital marketing. All kinds of opinions flutter about on this topic, including “print is dead,” passionate replies of “No, it’s not!” and debates that reveal more about the marketer…
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7 Direct Mail Ideas to Help You Win this Holiday Season

By KC Hubbell, Marketing Associate, Lessiter Media According to eMarketer, during this upcoming holiday shopping season, we can expect to see more than $1 trillion in retail spending in the US alone — That's up about 5% from the 2018 holiday season. To fully capitalize on shoppers' holiday spirit and earn as much of the pot…
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See Your Product Photography in a New Light

By Jeff Lazewski, Digital Manager of Creative and Design Services, Lessiter Media Product photography is an essential component of every marketing program, and as such can reflect poorly on the product (as well as the company) if it isn't properly executed. In the end, haphazard photography has the potential to make or break a sale. While the quality of…
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5 Tips to Improve your Search Engine Visibility

By Michelle Drewek, Digital Media Manager, Lessiter Media Traditionally we were taught to think of search as algorithms fueled by keywords and keyword phrases. While they are still relevant, search engines have become smarter in how they determine content rankings. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing content to boost rankings. Content creators need to shift their…
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