Recent Posts by Michelle Drewek

4 Ways Your Digital Strategy Can Create ‘Gravitational’ Momentum

By Alison Green, agreen@lessitermedia.comEmail Specialist, Lessiter Media If you’re making marketing decisions, chances are you’ve heard at least a few of these buzz words: SEO, Marketing Automation, Customer Journey, Lead Generation, etc. One of the most popular (and confusing) concepts is the Marketing/Sales Funnel. Abstract digital strategies can be difficult to wrap your head around,…
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Everything you need to know about using #hashtags

By Luke Weigel, Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media Have you ever looked at the hashtags listed at the end of a social media post and wondered why they were included and what exactly they meant? You wouldn't be alone. As one of the newer additions to the marketing toolbox the hashtag has a lot of us…
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Diversify Your Marketing Channels

By Michael Ellis, mellis@lessitermedia.comDirector of Sales, Lessiter Media How many times have you thought “If only I could be in more than one place at one time, I could get SO much more accomplished?” Well, I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The bad news is, as an individual we haven’t quite figured out…
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5 Foolproof Strategies to Grow Your Facebook Page

By Dallas ZiebellMarketing Manager, Lessiter Mediadziebell@lessitermedia.com262-782-2412 There are many businesses out there that write Facebook off as just another passing trend — a frivolous use of time and resources, and a distraction from more important things. Before you buy into all of the "nobody even uses Facebook anymore" talk you hear around the water cooler,…
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