Make Your Content Accessible!

By Connor Campbell
Digital Content Editor, Lessiter Media

When creating your content, no matter the type of content, the ultimate goal is to have it reach everyone possible. Your content deserves to be seen by everyone. So then why hasn’t it taken off yet? Maybe it lacks color, graphics, or relatability. But, if none of these bells are going off in your head, maybe it's something more.

When creating an advertisement to post online, what’s the first thing you do? Aside from the basics, did accessibility cross your mind? According to the CDC, Approximately 6 million Americans have vision loss and 1 million have blindness. The National Deaf Center states that “ ... about 3.6% of the U.S. population, or about 11 million individuals, consider themselves deaf or have serious difficulty hearing.”

So how do you create your content with everyone in mind? Check out the infographic below for 4 types of content accessible to everyone that you can start producing today! If you’re thinking, “But Connor, how do I edit videos or podcasts? Isn’t that expensive?” then you’re right. It is expensive. That’s why I created two other infographics showcasing applications to edit and create content in the best way possible… without spending money! Read through the first and second editions of these marketing minutes by clicking on the links!

Have you already been doing this? We would love to see how you’ve been shaping your content! Feel free to send me an email showcasing you or your company’s work!

Sources: National Deaf Center (NDC) & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)