Tag Archives: video editing

Compelling Headlines to Attract your Audience

By Connor CampbellDigital Content Editor, Lessiter Mediaccampbell@lessitermedia.com262-777-2404 What’s the longest word, title or phrase you’ve heard? Besides Mary Poppins’ supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (No, I didn’t spell that right on my first try). I’d wager that most of us remember this as a joke — we find it funny to keep this word in our head for those random moments of…
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5 More Free Tools For Creativity

By Connor CampbellDigital Content Editor, Lessiter Mediaccampbell@lessitermedia.com262-777-2404 Everyone has heard the phrases "Think outside the box" and "Work smarter, not harder." Sometimes this is frustrating to hear when asking for advice or opinions. I don't know about you, but I got tired of this fortune cookie wisdom. I tried FIVE MORE tools that boost your…
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The 5 Best Marketing Tools To Use With Chat GPT

By Dallas ZiebellMarketing Manager, Lessiter Mediadziebell@lessitermedia.com262-782-2412 I'm sure by now you've heard all about the many ways that AI technologies like Chat GPT are predicted to transform the world around us. From food to finance to film, it's seems there's not a single industry that will be untouched, for better or worse.  Marketing is one industry that is arguably in…
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The Finishing Touch to a Great Video or Podcast

By Joseph Kuenzle, jkuenzle@lessitermedia.comAudio Visual Manager, Lessiter Media In the past I've shared some tips on how to leverage podcasts and videos to be a part of your overall marketing plan. Both of these tools share a common component that can be critical their success — music. Music holds a special place in our world, having the power to bring…
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