Tag Archives: Reporting

6 Email Metrics To Help Reach Marketing Goals and Make Business Decisions

By Dallas ZiebellMarketing Manager, Lessiter Mediadziebell@lessitermedia.com262-782-2412 With Apple's mail privacy changes underminding open rates and Click Bots wreaking havoc on email click reports, two of the most important performance indicators that marketers have monitored for years are no longer the North Star metrics that we once relied upon on to measure our email marketing campaigns' effectiveness. But that's okay, because…
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Tips to Help Identify and Eliminate Click Bots from Your Email Reporting

By Luke Weigel, lweigel@lessitermedia.com Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media Have you ever looked at your email reporting and noticed a suspiciously high number of clicks? It's possible you cracked the call-to-action code and convinced 100s if not 1000s to click on your email. But it's also possible, and likely more plausible, that you are being affected by…
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