Tag Archives: Quizzes

4 Creative Ways to Engage your Audience

By Connor CampbellDigital Content Editor, Lessiter Mediaccampbell@lessitermedia.com262-777-2404 Was there ever something in school that you could not wrap your head around? Maybe it was a topic in math or science that you felt like you were stumbling your way through. Because you didn’t understand or enjoy it, how excited were you to participate in it?…
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Quizzes for The Lead Generation

By Joanne VolkertBrand Manager, Lessiter MediaJvolkert@lessitermedia.com262-777-2442 About four years ago, Lessiter Media launched its first-ever educational quiz for our No-Till Farmer audience – How much do you really know about soil health? In its lifetime, this quiz alone has seen over 3,228 unique takers. Lessiter Media has since launched over 15 educational quizzes designed to educate and inform our…
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