Tag Archives: Cookie Policy

The Swiss Army Knife of Marketing Tools

By Luke Weigel, lweigel@lessitermedia.com Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media Have you ever looked at a shrinking list of leads and thought to yourself, "we're running out of customers — we're doomed!" OK, that's maybe a little overdramatic, but a dwindling pool of prospects can be concerning and stressful. The reality is, you aren't running out of customers, you just haven't…
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Everything you need to know about using #hashtags

By Luke Weigel, lweigel@lessitermedia.com Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media Have you ever looked at the hashtags listed at the end of a social media post and wondered why they were included and what exactly they meant? You wouldn't be alone. As one of the newer additions to the marketing toolbox the hashtag has a lot of us…
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3 Steps to Create the Perfect Cookie Policy

By Luke Weigel, lweigel@lessitermedia.com Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media As a kid, having a 'cookie policy' this time of year meant something along the lines of decorating sugar cookies and leaving a plate out for Santa... and sneaking a few for yourself. But as an adult, it takes on a much different meaning, especially when living in…
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