3 Graphic Design Tips for Non-Designers

By Dallas Ziebell
Marketing Manager, Lessiter Media

With so many inexpensive and easy-to-use graphic design tools available to today's marketers, you don't need to be a professional graphic designer with a deep understanding of advanced design concepts like kerning, tracking and leading to generate an eye-catching piece of visual content. 

But even with the best design templates, most relevant clipart and killer product shots, it's still possible to create a flat, uninspiring design if you don't adhere to a few simple graphic design guidelines that anybody can follow.

To help you put together a more visually appealing marketing graphic — one that will capture your viewer's attention and direct their eye toward the most important information — today we're sharing the Content Marketing Institute's 3 graphic design tips for non-designers.

Go ahead and apply these 3 simple tips to one of your most "blah" pieces of existing visual content and see just how much better it can become. Have a more complex project that could use the help of a professional designer? Get in touch. Lessiter Media has a whole team of designers who are ready and willing to help you out!