Tag Archives: core values

Do Your Customers Trust You?

By Michelle DrewekDigital Media Manager, Lessiter MediaMdrewek@lessitermedia.com262-777-2435 Brand authenticity refers to the genuine and transparent nature of a brand. An authentic brand is one that customers trust, believe in, and feel a genuine connection with. For us at Lessiter Media, it involves staying true to our core values, being honest in our communications, and consistently…
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Team Audit: Are you optimized for success?

By Michelle Drewek, mdrewek@lessitermedia.comContent Engagement Manager, Lessiter Media "Teamwork makes the dreamwork" is a favorite phrase around the Lessiter Media offices. In fact, the concept of teamwork is important enough that we even made it one of our core values. But teamwork is more than a tagline. Our teams are dependent on one another the way our customers…
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Bree Greenawalt, Quarterly Core Values Recipient

From the April 2019 Lessiter Link newsletter This quarter's recipient is Bree Greenawalt. A professional jack of all trades at LM, her official title is Senior Manager of Data, Events and Ad Services. But you'll find her involved in many areas outside of core responsibilities on a daily basis. She is LM's "go-to person" when…
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Core Values Recipient — Joe Kuenzle

From the July 2019 Lessiter Link newsletter Joe Kuenzle joined LM in 2014 as a contractor to assist Brad Hemze with the transition to the ePub sites. Within several months, Joe proved himself worthy of manning a newly created full-time position. Throughout his time here, Joe has contributed to LM's success with his strengths, skills…
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