Tag Archives: brand awareness

The Lighter Side of Marketing

By Olivia CoxContent Marketing Specialist, Lessiter Mediaocox@lessitermedia.com262-782-2443 Marketing doesn’t always have to be serious. In fact, injecting humor and fun into your campaigns can build stronger connections with your audience. Whether it’s through playful comics, interactive quizzes, or light-hearted contests, these tactics make your brand memorable and approachable. The lighter side of marketing taps into…
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The Power of “Link in Bio” for Social Media Marketing

By Olivia CoxContent Marketing Specialist, Lessiter Mediaocox@lessitermedia.com262-782-2443 In today's digital age, the competition for attention on social media is fierce. Brands and influencers are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their audience and drive traffic to their content. One often overlooked yet highly effective strategy is optimizing the "link in bio." This small but powerful…
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5 Reasons Why Awards Should be Part of Your Marketing Strategy

By Joanne VolkertBrand Manager, Lessiter MediaJvolkert@lessitermedia.com262-777-2442 My 7-year-old son just recently wrapped up his basketball season and was so proud to bring home a medal recognizing his team’s success and effort this season. He couldn’t wait to show it off and hang it on his bedroom wall. This story isn't a unique one nor is…
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