Search for: "Lead Gen"

Generate Leads with the Content Pillar Approach

By Michelle Drewek, mdrewek@lessitermedia.comDigital Media Manager, Lessiter Media Quality leads are a vital part of business. A common strategy for lead generation involves guiding users to a downloadable piece of content that is free of charge in exchange for the user’s information. This strategy has sound reasoning, but tactically misses the mark in terms of realized potential.…
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6 Steps to Developing a Proper Lead Scoring System

By Luke WeigelMarketing Manager, Lessiter Medialweigel@lessitermedia.com414-326-0437 Earlier this month at our annual Precision Farming Dealer Summit and National No-Tillage Conference events in Louisville, I was able to spend some time with several partners to discuss their marketing plans for the new year and some ideas on how to achieve their goals. It came as no surprise that 'leads' were…
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7 Amazingly Effective Lead Nurturing Tactics

By Dallas ZiebellMarketing Manager, Lessiter Mediadziebell@lessitermedia.com262-782-2412 With temperatures here in the Midwest steadily falling, I recently found myself searching for a replacement to my winter jacket that has served me well for nearly a decade. To the Internet I went and down the rabbit hole I fell, scouring different online retailer sites, signing up for various email…
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4 Ways to Increase Sales Lead Conversions With Print Ads

By Dallas ZiebellMarketing Manager, Lessiter Mediadziebell@lessitermedia.com262-782-2412 In my last Marketing Minute, I outlined several tactics you can employ on your website to capture prospect email addresses to fuel your email marketing efforts. While your company/brand website offers many approaches for identifying, engaging and converting sales leads once they arrive, it's critical that your marketing strategy…
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