The Rise of Chatbots

By John A. Bennett,
Digital Media Director, Lessiter Media

In the ever-increasing competition for customers, customer service will always be one of the top aspects that defines the buying experience. For physical stores, it takes the form of having a cashier welcome and greet customers entering the store and asking if they can help point them in the right direction or ask about products or services. Without that interaction, customers may be left to their own devices to navigate the store, taking longer causing elevated frustration and potentially losing the customer’s business.

For your online store (website), implementing a Chatbot can effectively provide the same type of customer experience in real-time providing answers and information to ultimately increase value & sales. Most can be personalized and can offer automated responses and live support.

As more and more companies adopt using online chat support as a regular customer service connection, most customers and not only experienced with it but expecting to have this option. In an industry poll on why customers love chatbots, 48% would rather connect with the company chatbot than any other contact method. 21% see chatbots as the easiest way to connect to a business with 57% interested because of the instantaneity. And 48% of millennials being open to recommendations and advice from chatbots. All good indications that your customers are probably already doing business with companies that have chatbots. The Rise of Chatbots