Tag Archives: sales strategy

When Promotional Materials Get in the Way of a Sale

By Mike LessiterPresident, Lessiter Mediamlessiter@lessitermedia.com262-777-2403 Every organization, and every salesperson, subscribes to its own sales M.O. But if you’re in the business of selling a service or an expertise more so than a physical widget, the best supplementary sales tool is not a catalog, piece of literature or even a price book.  Nope. Your best tool is…
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Top 10 Marketing Advice from 2023

By Michelle Drewek, mdrewek@lessitermedia.comDigital Media Manager, Lessiter Media It feels like I was just writing our 2022 Marketing Minute recap for you last December, and yet here we are in the final days of 2023! "Time flies by" is a phrase that continues to bear greater weight for me each year, especially as I watch my two…
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Print – The Standard for Building B2B Environments

By Mike LessiterPresident, Lessiter Mediamlessiter@lessitermedia.com262-777-2403 Last week I shared some insights from a recent conversation I had with a colleague of mine, Tim Fixmer, who runs a successful B2B group business in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, named CCI Media LLC. As we discussed the many changes in marketing over the last 3 decades, Tim reminded me…
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7 Defining Characteristics of a ‘Considered Purchase’

By Mike Lessiter President, Lessiter Media mlessiter@lessitermedia.com 262-777-2403 I recently ran into a friend at a funeral who was a colleague on the Media Growth Executive Peer Group with me for many years. Several years my senior, Tim Fixmer is among the leaders I most admire in the business-to-business (B2B) marketing world. He runs a…
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