Tag Archives: professional development

The Power of 1% Daily Improvement in Marketing and Branding

By Patrick SharpeV.P. Audience Development, Lessiter Mediapsharpe@lessitermedia.com262-777-2405 In the competitive world of marketing and branding, the race to capture attention and create lasting impressions is often overwhelming. The pressure to make big leaps and achieve overnight success leads to burnout and inconsistent results. But the secret to extraordinary growth lies in small, consistent steps… The…
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Wash Your Face & Embrace the Chaos

By Rachel Hanrahan, Digital Content Specialist From the April 2019 Lessiter Link newsletter Rachel Hollis' Girl, Wash Your Face details the truths of what it takes to be real with yourself. Hollis motivates us to do what we can every day to get one step closer to our dreams. If the only thing getting you…
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Everyone Has Influence

By Kristen Kubisiak, American Farriers Journal Managing Editor From the September 2019 Lessiter Link newsletter The 2019 Global Leadership Summit attendees have a favorite expression to describe the experience: "It was like drinking from a fire hose." According to Sussex firefight Zach Pratt, a standard fire hose produces about 150 gallons of water per minute…
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Book Review: You are a Badass That Needs to Forgive

By Rachel Hanrahan, Digital Content Specialist From the February 2019 Lessiter Link newsletter While the title of this book may be a tad jarring, the message is crystal clear. I read You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero for my personal benefit, but quickly realized that the principles described can be easily translated to the…
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