Category Archives: News

Brookfield Elementary School High Interest Day 2017

On Friday, April 28, 2017, a group of 4 staff members participated in Brookfield Elementary School's High Interest Day. Frank and Mike Lessiter, joined by Jeff Lazewski from our art department and Michelle Drewek from our digital media department, gave students an inside look at the production process for video commercials. Students were then given the same equipment we…
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Lessiter Media Recognizes 35th Anniversary Committees

We would like to recognize and thank two committees that worked diligently on our 35th Anniversary celebration. The Party Planning Committee saw to all of the details of a spectacular dinner cruise on Lake Michigan. The Lessiter Media staff and guests enjoyed a scenic 3-hour boat cruise on-board the Harbor Lady. We were then treated…
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Farm Equipment Recognized with Editorial, Design Awards

BROOKFIELD, Wis. — Farm Equipment magazine was recently awarded 2015 Eddie and an Ozzie by Folio, a magazine focused on media industry trends. For more than 20 years, Folio has been giving out the Eddie & Ozzie Awards to recognize excellence in magazine editorial and design across all sectors of the industry. Recognized for editorial…
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Lessiter Media Open House Draws in More Than 100 Guests

[gallery ids="3000,3001,3002,3003,3004,3005,3006,3007,3008,3009,3010,3011,3012,3013,3014" size="full"] View Complete Open House Photo Gallery Attendees got a behind-the-scenes look at the publishing process as they toured the company’s newly renovated headquarters. In celebration of its rebranding campaign and new headquarters, Lessiter Media hosted an Open House on Nov. 5 at its newly renovated office space to provide a behind-the-scenes look…
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